Plasma Storage Freezers
B Medical Systems' Plasma Storage Freezers are devices intended for the safe storage of your frozen blood plasma or blood components at temperatures below -27°C. Specifically designed for blood banks, hospitals, clinical laboratories, plasma collection, and processing centers, the 7 upright freezers offer a wide variety in terms of volume storage and temperature requirements. All models meet the highest regulatory requirements. On top of being compliant with the DIN 58375 and AABB standards, they are also classified as medical devices Class II(a) and are AABB standards-compliant.
Product Information
Integrated multifunction monitoring electronics
Rotomoulded or steel models
High storage capacity
Exclusive integrated electronics handle bar
High quality materials
Versatile modularity
Special features for easy deicing and defrosting
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Helena Maria Dávidsdóttir Danielsen
Product Specialist
- Work area: Sales & Application
- Special area: Analysis & Lab Equipment
- Phone +45 8188 6408
- Email: hmd@ramcon.dk
Nicki Saunte Norén
Product Specialist
- Work area: Sales & Application
- Special area: Analysis & Lab Equipment
- Phone +45 8188 1826
- Email: nsn@ramcon.dk