Kaluza Analysis Software

Supplier Beckman Coulter

Kaluza Analysis Software is designed to simplify, efficiently, and quickly analyze multi-color data. Four simple control panels provide access to every aspect of your data. Install the software on as many computers as needed and control access with the license option that fits your needs. A variety of single user and multi-user licenses are available. Loads any FCS compliant file through standard 3.1. Real time processing of multi-color files of up to 20 million events. Create and run your own R scripts with the R Console Plugin. Innovative interface with workflow and ease of use as top priorities. 

Kaluza C Analysis Software
Kaluza C Analysis Software is built upon the successful Kaluza Analysis research use platform, meeting regulatory requirements places demands on both time and expertise.

Kaluza C Analysis Software provides features that streamline the clinical QC reporting requirements and address standardization issues in flow cytometry. At the same time it provides the power to processes multi-color files of up to 20 million events in real time.

Listed with the FDA

Integration with Laboratory Information Systems (LIS)

Traceability through user management

Specialized QC Report generation functions

Loads any listmode file that is compliant with the FCS standard, up through version 3.1

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Supplier Beckman Coulter
Supplier Beckman Coulter