Ramcon er etableret i 1988 og består af over 80 ansatte fordelt på salg, support og service i Norden. Vi fokuserer på salg, support og service på Industrial, Medical, Chemical og Life Science markedet i de nordiske lande, og har på nuværende tidspunkt 4 kontorer, placeret i Birkerød, Vejle, Göteborg og Stockholm.
Vi er en fokuseret distributør med en robust organisation med et højt fagligt niveau. Virksomheden er ISO 9001:2015 certificeret, og består af kompetente og veluddannede ansatte. Vores styrke er at kende vores kunders behov samt at have en stor viden inden for Industrial, Medical, Chemical og Life Science markedet i Norden. Ramcon's mission er at kombinere globale produkter og ekspertise med lokal viden for at sikre, at vores kunder opnår bedre resultater på kortere tid. Vi vælger kun samarbejdspartnere og produkter med videnskabelig eller anden konkurrencemæssig fordel for at kunne tilbyde de bedst mulige løsninger til vores kunder.
Ramcon stræber konstant efter at være en organisation kendetegnet af en positiv social atmosfære. Vi vægter integritet og respekt for kollegaer, kunder og partnere meget højt. Vi investerer i mennesker som primær marketing ressource og tilbyder et højt service- og supportniveau til vores kunder. Det er virksomhedens strategi at opbygge gode og vedvarende kunderelationer.
ISO certificeret
Ramcon er ISO 9001:2015 og ISO 14001:2015 certificeret. Vores certificeringer dokumenterer vores evne til at imødekomme kunder og interessenters behov og forventninger gennem kvalitet og løbende forbedringer, samt vores arbejde mod at minimere vores miljøfodaftryk.

Vores mission
RAMCONs forretning er at sælge, supportere og servicere instrumenter, systemer og reagenser til industrielle, medicinske, kemiske og Life Science-kunder i de nordiske lande.
Ramcons mission er at sikre, at vores kunder opnår bedre resultater hurtigere ved at kombinere produkter og løsninger fra globale leverandører med lokal viden og ekspertise.
Vores værdier
Here at Ramcon the most important thing is the close relationship we form with our customers. Our employees are highly educated and experienced within their respective fields, so being a customer with us is more than just purchasing lab equipment. With us it is about solving problems and facing challenges in your lab, and we are ready with assistance in instrument setup and installation, user training, service and maintenance, just as we are ready if any issues should occur. Being solution-oriented and to deliver as promised is the top priority when working with our stakeholders.
Robustness is a key factor in the Ramcon organization. We have a robust number of employees in each business area, to ensure that we are able to accommodate the current and the future workload and to maintain local knowledge and the close relation with our customers. Structure and process are Alpha and Omega in Ramcon. Our IT solutions have been tailored to our needs, and geared for further development in order to keep up with our future growth. The high quality of our products, services and our organization are constantly being reviewed through our quality management system and our employees undergo several annual internal and external audits.
Work environment
We believe that a good work-Life balance is central to the well-being of an individual and their ability to perform, and therefore Ramcon employees largely manage their own time, which gives room for the person behind the work title. Being an international organization with stakeholders from all over the world, diversity within our ranks is important, and our employees come with many different educational backgrounds and areas of expertise. This is why the social aspect in our work environment also is a priority. We believe that emphasizing the importance of good communication, tolerance and respecting diversities contributes to an elevated sense of team spirit and an environment where we pull together.
The skill and competence of our employees with their respective fields are an important value at Ramcon. We are all solution-oriented and possess a large amount of drive. It is our job to remain curios about the businesses, work areas and applications of our customers, to ensure a professional and thorough requirement analysis when purchasing a lab solution at Ramcon.
Our vision is to work in an environmental friendly manner in order to minimize our environmental footprint.